Let’s not #EndTheUnion

I am still catching up with reading and correspondence having lost a couple of days to technical issues, and I know there are some important developments which would bear analysis and comment. But there is a matter which has a direct bearing on this blog and associated activities in support of Scotland’s cause which must be dealt with. If it seems trivial relative to the situations in Gaza and Ukraine or the grotesque clown-show of the British parliament, then that is because there are very few things which aren’t. We must not, however, fall into the trap of making Scotland’s cause the first thing to be shelved the minute something of significance happens somewhere in the world. The argument that there are more important things going on can always be made. It does not follow from this that other matters must be disregarded completely. So, bear with me on this.

As regular readers will know, I have for some time now been pushing the idea of turning the 2024 into a strand of the campaign to restore Scotland’s independence by urging that people repurpose their ballot papers as a call to #EndTheUnion. To be effective, the #RepurposeYourVote initiative requires two things above all. It needs mass participation. And all those participating must repurpose their ballot in exactly the same way so that it is recognisable as a coordinated campaign and not merely a random spoiling of ballots.

Followers of this blog will also be aware that I have always expressed doubts that the intitative would be effective. Experience has taught me how close to impossible it is to achieve unity of purpose in the independence movement. Experience also tells me to expect that any intitiative which might be effective will almost inevitably be rendered ineffectual by a proliferation of ‘versions’. Basically, if there is a good idea, various individuals and groups will latch onto it and produce their own variation on the theme. An example would be hashtags such as #EndTheUnion. No sooner will a hashtag like this start to catch on than somebody will decide they can improve on it with, say, .

Of course, this defeats the whole purpose of the hashtag which, like the #RepurposeYourVote initiative, relies on repetiton of precisely the same form. Like a phone number, changing one character doesn’t make it better. It makes it useless.

As anticipated, the spoiler appeared a couple of days ago in the form of a guest post on the Barrheadboy blog by Alba Party activist, Allan Petrie. I don’t mean to imply that this was intended as a spoiler. Only that this is the effect of a campaign urging people to use a different legend when repurposing their ballot. Whether is better or worse than #EndTheUnion is not the issue. As I have said before, finding the ideal ‘slogan’ is very much less important than ensuring consistency. It is something of a tautology to say that unity of purpose means everybody being on the same page.

The worst thing that could happen to the #RepurposeYourVote initiative is that it should develop into a contest of ‘slogans’. The moment this happens, a divide is created as each contestant acquires supporters. The ‘sides’ in this contest quickly become factions. Tribalism sets in. Scotland’s cause is the loser.

I will not be party to such a contest. Scotland’s cause is too important to me for me to be part of something which can only harm and hinder the fight to restore Scotland’s independence. For this reason, I shall immediately cease promoting #EndTheUnion as the legend used in repurposing ballots. I know people will criticise me for ‘giving up’ after months of effort and just at the time when the initiative was beginning to gain some traction. But demanding that Allan Petrie abandon his ‘slogan’ in favour of #EndTheUnion would be to engage in the very adversarial behaviour which I insist must be eschewed. I’d rather give up so that there can be a ‘winner’ rather than compete and thus ensure that there are only losers.

This is not to say I’m not annoyed about this ‘spoiler’. But my irritation does not stem from personal preciousness about the legend #EndTheUnion. I’m just pissed-off a bit about the waste of effort by myself and others who have joined me in promoting this initiative. I still hope that the #RepurposeYourVote initiative might be the thing that restores some unity of purpose to the fragmented Yes movement. But I continue to be doubtful. That’s because I realise that Allan Petrie’s ‘spoiler’ is unlikely to be the last. Already I see people coming up with ‘improvements’ to his chosen ‘slogan’. It is only a matter of time before somebody steps in to ‘settle the dispute’ by suggesting a ‘third way’.

If that sounds cynical, it’s because I am.

56 thoughts on “Let’s not #EndTheUnion

      1. It would appear so. From his twitter/X feed today:

        “This is the last straw for me folks, this HQ take over of Dundee LACU stinks of new SNP and yes hypocrite Chris this is a public resignation from me & Honorary member wee Annie Jenkins has asked me to include her resignation too our letters will be written today NOT DUNDEE below”.

        I think that both Allan Petrie and Roddy McLeod is that they are abstentionists i.e. advocate not sending representatives to Westminster. However, the Alba Party conference did not adopt this proposed policy.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mr Petrie has blocked me, as has Roddy Mcleod. so, I don’t get to know about these things until moments such as this. I claim telt ye rights on this as I said early on that Alba was likely to go the same way as the SNP in many respects. It’s made from much the same material.

          Liked by 4 people

          1. “It’s made from much the same material.”

            It would seem so, sadly.

            On the hashtag issue Allan Petrie has claimed on the BB blog that he he had “tested it on the doors when canvassing” but has, to date, not replied to your pertinent request in the comments section to view the raw data from his survey …

            Liked by 4 people

            1. The fact that he felt the need to ‘test’ the phrase is telling. It suggests there was doubt about its suitability. It never even occurred to me to ‘test’ #EndTheUnion as there is no possibility of any objection from those committed to the restoration of Scotland’s independence.

              But as far as I am concerned, the #RepurposeYourVote initiative has been killed. Much as expected. By the time polling day arrives there will be so much confusion and disagreement about the legend that neither the numbers nor the consistency required has any chance of being achieved.

              The really depressing thing is that the same is likely to happen with any other ‘novel’ campaigning idea. Our opponents can relax as they watch the Yes movement destroy all its best weapons.

              I despair.

              Liked by 3 people

              1. I am still keen to see the results of the test underpinning the conclusion that #NMP is better than #EndTheUnion.

                Or, as Roddy McLeod has put it, “the science” …

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Quite.

                    Now this:

                    “This campaign, costing a fraction of a traditional election campaign, keeps activists engaged and gathers valuable data for future use. Despite recent polls showing strong support for independence, many independence supporters remain disengaged, with Alba and other parties trailing behind. “Not My Parliament” serves as a platform for these individuals to voice their dissent against Westminster’s rule.

                    We ensured the accuracy of this information with Allan before publication. We invited Allan to our panel to provide further insights into this initiative and share his expertise on other topics. As a seasoned campaigner, Allan enriched our discussions with his valuable input.”

                    and especially this bit:
                    “We ensured the accuracy of this information with Allan before publication.”



  1. notmyparliament is a meaningless knock-off of #notmyking. I wouldn’t even dignify it with a # let alone use it. #notmytridentmissile #notmyrottentomato


    I shall continue to promote it occasionally on the likes of SGP and the odd time on WGD (not too often or I’d be banned). I just say that rather than abstain which is a complete waste of a vote, use it to show WHY you won’t vote for anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Was exactly my thoughts when I saw Alan!s #not my Parliament slogan!! It’s easy to put up a slogan competition and invite suggestions for a week then put it up for a vote. The winner has to be accepted by all. My vote is #end the union.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. This annoyed the hell out of me as my post of reply on Barrhead would prove, I just thought HERE we go again, somebody comes up with a pretty decent suggestion for repurposing our ballot papers, and Now we have another somebody coming out with their version..

    It’s what us Scots always do, we break off in fractions, that is why there will never truly be a Peoples Movement, even when it comes to marches and rallies..There are smaller groups that are happy to hold their own march & Rally on the same day as say AUOB…

    It is like the political parties all over again, with EGOS popping up everywhere in NON political movements.. Is this them trying to make a name for themselves?

    I repurposed my ballot paper in 2021 for the HR elections as NO way could I ever VOTE SNP again & have never voted nor ever would vote for a UNIONIST Party, But there was NO Alba candidate or ISP Candidate standing in my region to vote for..

    Then I just wrote NONE OF THE ABOVE scrolled across my ballot paper..As did my family..

    Now I am not even sure I will bother bloody going to repurpose..

    I certainly do NOT agree with sending any Scottish Indy party to WM anyway so will NOT place a VOTE on or for anyone..

    But I just wish people with the knowledge would come together & make life easier for all us disillusioned with Politicians.. I felt we had that with #EndTheUnion..

    Liked by 3 people

  4. My biggest reservation about NMP is there doesn’t seem to be any strategy behind it, whereas Peter has though it through to the end game with Manifesto for Independence etc.
    #End the Union serves as an instruction to the pusillanimous indy parties as much as a rallying cry.

    I left this comment on Barrhead Boy…..

    “You also need an overall objective…
    This campaign will
    1. Put the wind up the pusillanimous “independence ” parties when they contemplate looming lost votes
    2. Be a kick in the pants for docile indy candidates when they see what would have been indy votes whizzing past at the count.

    Clearly the aim is to say we don’t like what you are doing
    But what do we want them to do?
    Personally it’s adopt The Manifest for Independence other people may have other ideas, but the consensus should be made clear to them…”

    No response, maybe they haven’t heard on Manifesto for Independence either?

    Anyway in this context I would say #End The Union is more apt

    Peter for either slogan you have much time contribute re Manifesto for Independence

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  5. #End The Union, it was, and #End The Union it must remain. A simple slogan which requires nothing else other than BELIEF in the principle of Independence and that the people are sovereign. #End The Union!

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  6. Looks like END THE UNION or what ever it eventually will be called will be as effective as the Stirling Directive


    1. Clearly, you are not very clued-up on the Stirling Directive. Or #RepurposeYourVote, for that matter. It’s a good idea to wait until they stop breathing before you start penning those petty, gleeful obituaries.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I get your frustration , P . I used to play in a band wherein if myself or anyone else came up with an idea – chord progression , melody etc – the ” front man ” would invariably react with ” Oh that’s good ……. what about this ? ” and proceed to play something of his own , consigning other person’s idea to Death by Ignoring – needlessly to say , the band never lasted long – ” musical differences ” , the got-to euphemism for ” can’t stand that bastard any longer ” .

    In this instance though , nothing is settled yet , as far as I know ; I understand you’re not wanting to get involved in a daft ” my slogan is bigger than your slogan ” competition , but if enough of us keep advocating the apropos and more concise #ENDTHEUNION option it may still come to be .

    ALBA appear to be bouncing from one fuck-up to another and shedding ” founding ” members at a troubling rate . I can’t help thinking it’s symptomatic of the Party basically following the same ossified structures eg top-down , inner- circling & too many ” Offices/Officers ” – as all the other Parties and at a time when something radically different is required . It seems their main aspiration is to replace the SNP at the head of the Scottish table , but they aren’t bringing anything flavoursome or nutritious to the meal .

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Your “musical differences” anecdote rang bells of familiarity. Not that I was ever in a band, but I have known a lot people who were and recognise the ‘syndrome’ you describe. I am honest enough to admit, however, that I would probably be too much like the “front man” for the cohesion of any band I was involved with. I’m not much of a team player.

      I accept that others may argue for the use of #EndTheUnion. I just don’t think it would be a good idea for me to do so as this would just be put down to be me behaving like the jealous ‘owner’ of the idea. It’s not true, of course. But that wouldn’t stop the accusation being widely circulated, to the detriment of the #RepurposeYourVote initiative. If any such initiative is to have any chance of succeeding we will all have to accept things that we are not happy or comfortable with. That is what I preach. So, it would be hypocritical of me to fight Allan Petrie on this.

      Alba has certainly been a huge disappointment from the outset. Some very bad decisions in the early days set the party on the wrong course. Very sad.

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  8. Even with different messages, like #EndTheUnion, #NotMyParliament, INDEPENDENCE, #UDI, IWantToBreakFree, FreeScotland, the overall quantity still matters. Without campaigning, the officially spoilt papers might average as high as 180 or 0.36% per constituency (2019). With multiple campaigns, even with different messages, that could rise to say 1% or 500 per constituency. That in itself draws attention.

    As well as that statistic which is always reported, those spoilt papers are inspected by humans not computers – the agents, the candidates, official observers. And they can see all the different messages but realise they mean the same thing – the SNP have failed to concentrate on Indy.

    You could say – the more the merrier, and it doesn’t have to be the same legend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 3. Spoilt Ballot Papers in UK General Elections, 1964-2019

      https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7529/CBP-7529. pdf (remove space before pdf)

      2017 – total 74,289 — 114 per constituency – % of all ballots 0.23%
      2019 – total 117,101 – 180 per constituency – % of all ballots 0.36%

      Total for Scotland pro rata is 2017 = 6,726 and 2019 = 10,620

      If it was 100,000 in Scotland, that would be 1,754 per constituency instead of 180, and 3.6% of all ballots.

      I think they’d notice the big pile!

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        1. If you want to take that argument to its logical conclusion – even WITH the same legend, all it would be is a big pile of ballots spoiled in the same way.

          And reported officially as exactly the same statistic – number of spoilt ballots without any clear intention of who they’re voting for.

          It’s because human beings are looking at them that it matters to have a message – any message – rather than a cock and balls.


          1. You are wrong. An extraordinary number of spoilt ballots is one thing. And extraordinary number of ballots bearing precisely the same message is a very different thing. What one must consider is the way in which it is percieved by the media. What is the story? And if there are two stories, which is the most ‘newsworthy’? A spike in spoilet ballots is one story. A spike in PURPOSEFULLY spoilt ballots is a far bigger story. The former is just something that has happened. The latter is something that has been done.

            This is NOT supposed to be a #SpoilYourBallot campaign. It is meant to be a #RepurposeYourVote campaign. The new purpose being the message NOT merely the number of spoiled ballots.

            FFS! Why am I having to explain this? The sad thing is that this kind of foolish incomprehension won’t be confined to you or this space. The argument that it doesn’t matter what you write is likely to spread. The Yes movement has a certain genius for finding different ways to fuck things up.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. The Yes movement …

              And that’s your mistake. There is absolutely no chance in a million years of “The Yes movement” moving as though it’s one single person with one single idea. Like a dictatorship.

              And nor should it. In its diversity is our strength.

              Probably NONE of us are team players. But that doesn’t stop us trying to do what we can, when we can, in whatever way we can.


              1. Which, if you’d been paying attention, is precisely what I have been saying all along. You exemplify the problem very well. You are oblivious to the difference between a campaign and a movement. Lots of people doing their own thing is NOT a campaign. It is lots of people doing their own thing and having no effect. The key words for a campaign are SOLIDARITY! FOCUS! DISCIPLINE! A campaign is precisely the thing that the Yes movement cannot be. Because it is a movement, NOT a fucking campaign! The campaign is a separate thing altogether.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. You exemplify the problem very well.

                  It’s a movement Peter. We all want Independence, and that’s ALL we all have in common.

                  And that is exactly the same as a campaign which encompasses a whole load of different campaign groups and people with different ideas. Left, Right, Capitalists, Socialists, Monarchists, Republicans, Ban the bomb, Make more of them, we all disagree.

                  Except for one thing – Independence.

                  There are pensioners for YES, there are youngsters for YES.

                  PAB mode: if you don’t understand this, you’re a fool. /PAB


    2. The #RepurposeYourVote campaign will most definitely NOT be effective if there is a plethora of diffent legends. While the extraordinary number of spoiled ballots will be reported, those reports will tell only of ballots spoiled with “a variety of different messages”. Only if the legend is consistent will it be reported verbatim. The media will not detail every message even if the RO’s report does.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The overall statistic would still show 3 times or 10 times as many spolit ballots as usual. And agents could then go on social media and say what they saw.

        Human beings Peter, human beings.

        What I always shout for with this incredibly unintelligent AI “State in a few words … you said you want to exterminate rowan trees, is this correct?”


  9. Truth to tell , I’m not much of ” team player ” either , P . Ironically , the only Political Party I’ve ever joined is ALBA ; and that as a kinda ” more hope that expectation ” reaction to the car-crash the SNP had become . I think it’ll probably be the last

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Anyways, a lovely day, we’re away a walk to see any snowdrops.

    Let’s NOT not #EndTheUnion

    Different campaigns can INCREASE the overall effect. Kind of like the mostly rubbish YES Scotland campaign which did, however, engender a whole load of in your area YES groups which WERE effective. And did their own thing.


  11. I much preferred #EndTheUnion; it sounds proactive. #NotMyParliament sounds like a whine. Just my opinion. For the sake of a unified message, I’ll go with #NotMyParliament – but, yeah, just disappointed and wondering how many other changes to strategy will come down the line before the voting commences.


    1. We are now getting the argument that it doesn’t matter what you write. I have difficulty coping with that level of triple-distilled stupidity. The two essentials of a #RepurposeYourVote campaign are numbers and consistency. Both are being destroyed by idiots with egos bigger than their brains.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. I’m at a loss what to do for this upcoming UK General Election.
    I get the idea behind the spoilt ballot campaign, and exactly what you would hope for with it, but, and here’s my “but”, it would lead to pro London MPs getting elected, and I’d hate to see even 1 extra Labour MP elected in this country.
    I don’t want any Labour MPs in this country at all.
    These traitchereous creeps have shown what they think of their own country for long enough. What we saw in London last week was a glaring example, and they all falling over themselves to blame SNP for putting forward a Motion, that would embarrass Sir Starmer, as if it’s for SNP to keep the Knighted Labour dictator happy!
    We have the same thing from various political commentators and on BBC and elsewhere.
    Rather than focus on just why Sir Starmer would be in such a big huff with the line “Collective Punishment”, they are also now ranting and raving in almost sanctimonious fashion, about safety of MPs, specifically Labour MPs!
    The fact that Starmer said he spoke with the President of Israel before going to see Speaker Holye should have been a major scandal in itself, but so far, silence.
    Only on Radio Four Any Questions on Friday night (repeated on Saturday afternoon,) did one of the panelists shoot that down, only to be shouted over by some dimwit Labour Damsel who I think is now in House of Lords. But again, another woman on the panel blamed SNP as playing politics against Labour.
    So, I could see myself vote maybe SNP again in the hope of keeping a Labour person out.

    Not that I’m happy with SNP in their prevarication over the past 10 years, or their cowardice at times, and they seem resigned over the Grangemouth refinery.
    But it does leave many of us in a real dilemma what to do when voting time comes.
    One other point regards that, is the new requirement for photo I.D. as not everyone will have this, and so either be turned away or simply not even bother to vote. Others may have photo I.D. but the wrong kind.
    For example folks over 60 can use their bus pass, while those under 60 can’t!
    That is what I’ve read, and so a person with a Disability bus pass can’t use it?
    It might not be possible.
    All this stuff need looked into, although it’s separate from the main debate here, can still have an impact on those intending to vote, one way or other, who find that they can’t.

    But on that point of spoiling ballots, if it is to be done, I see “End The Union” as the only meaningful way to do it, however, it would have to be such a massive number of voters doing this, as you say, to make it stand out.


    1. First thing to note is that there is no way to vote in the coming Westminster that will make the slightest difference. I genuinely doesn’t matter what the arithmetic is in Scotland. We could return all 57 MPS from any one of the parties and the outcome would be the same. Ask yourself, what difference does it make to Scotland’s cause whether it is 57 SNP candidates or 57 Tory candidates. Nothing changes. We still end up with a British Nationalist UK government and 57 MPs with no effective power whatever.

      Suppose it’s a British Labour government and we elect 57 British Labour in Scotland (BLiS) MPs, what is the difference between that and 57 SNP MPs? None of them are going to do anything for Scotland’s cause. Sure! The British media would trumpet a “blow” to the “separatist” campaign if Scotland votes for Unionist candidates. But they’re going to do that anyway. Aspecially given that the SNP leadership has worked so hard to ensure the party loses seats.

      The second thing is that it doesn’t need a huge amount of participation for a #RepurposeYourVote campaign to make an impact. The proportion of spoilt votes is tiny. Not much more than 0.5% of the total vote. Even doubling that would be a win. Getting it to 5% would be historic. The biggest story of the election. Impossible for the media to ignore.

      The problem, of course, is the people in the Yes movement who, from a mixture of ignorance and arrogance, will ensure the #RepurposeYourVote campaign flops. I hope I’m wrong, of course. But all the indications are that I am right to be sceptical about the Yes movement’s ability to to combine.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OK, Peter. Have checked the rules again, and it looks like they have updated them.
        As to begin with, it was being reported that those under 60, were not included, certainly in England, and so I got the impression those with a Disability Bus Pass might not qualify, either.
        But I see you are right on this. But it shows the confusion that is out there, and how this uncertainty could just put enough folks off bothering.

        Regards the MPs, etc, one of my big concerns is that bit about them trumpeting a loss if interest for Independence. I wouldn’t want to give them that luxury.
        However, just s’posing there was such a massive “End The Union” votes, that would be a clear signal of dissatisfaction with SNP, especially as they could likely lose MPs, and thus a real slap in the face to them, and also, while there might be more pro England MPs, they would not be allowed such smugness, knowing the voters were angry, and they’d be made well aware, their precious “Union” is far, far from being safe.
        But as you say, we wouldn’t be in this situation if SNP had done anything positive
        on getting us closer to Independence, these past number of years

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Gordon, that Ceasefire motion ‘debate’ on Wednesday put the lid on any faint thoughts I might have harboured about ‘letting Labour in’ by not repurposing my ballot paper. Presenting at that place I firmly believe ultimately works against our cause, our indy MPs, and their and our self-respect, regardless of how well (or not) they make their points. Sounds like you watched it and saw what was actually going on.

          Now, some of them put in a lot of work on the committees on reserved matters. To what degree that makes a positive difference to outcomes I dont know – it would be helpful if it could be quantified, but there are other ways we can input (good use of retirement for some of the knowledgeable ex MPs). I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on this aspect.

          ‘They Work for You’, so put your ballot paper to good use to issue your instruction to end the union, and if you end up with a unionist MP, be sure to watch them closely and inform them frequently of your views on their murderous British state bolstering efforts.

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        2. They will trumpet the death of the independence movement regardless of the result. It’s what they do. It’s time we stopped fretting about what they do and started focusing on what we do. We cannot control or change what they will do. We can only alter our own behaviour. We can start by trumpeting our own truth. The truth that it makes not a scintilla of difference how we vote in a Westminster election. Not just saying it doesn’t matter, but demonstrating how irrelevant MPs are by ignoring the candidates altogether and using the vote for our own purposes.

          Liked by 1 person

  13. I posted this on that blog no idea if it will appear.

    “NOT MY PARLIAMENT” is not just ambiguous, it’s too similar to existing ones – such as #NotInMyParliament which has been around since 2018.

    On 23 November 2018, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) launched a new initative to counter sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments, #NotInMyParliament.


    which was / is, a very worthwhile cause.


  14. To clear the lines, there are comments on that barrheadboy blog about #EndTheUnion like “What Union”, like GMB or EIS, or even rugby, but more fundilymundily, while activists live and breathe ending the union, there could be ordinary voters who’d be left fair puggled.

    From that point of view you need a simple word or tag, one which everyone knows because it was campaigned for for over 2 years, and achieved a 45% vote, and these days unionist parties in Scotland can’t help but mention it in every leaflet and sentence. So both tags so far aren’t any good.

    Message Matters, so I’m going back to using my own if I spoil my ballot, it’s in the avatar.

    Meanwhile, a reasonable argument against such as “Independence” being used is that the ERO might be persuaded it’s a vote for the SNP, so the way around that is to put a line through every single candidate – or a big X to absolutely spoil the ballot, and then the legend “Whatever”. Examples 14, 15 and 21 below of the lines and big X.

    Click to access UKPE-doubtfuls-booklet.pdf

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