Feather or fist?

The following was originally submitted as a comment on Bella Caledonia.
It was immediately censored. – PAB

Bella Caledonia offers a fine example of the kind of half-arsed, self-righteous drivel we get from the cliques who have adopted ‘independence’ as a useful marketing device for their own narrow political agendas. The entire article boils down to nothing more than a dreary manifesto for a rerun of the 2014 Yes campaign. Some of us remember how that obsession with happy-clappy, hug-a-BritNat ‘positive’ campaigning turned out. Some of us have learned the lessons of the 2014 campaign and stand ready to apply them.

In the 2014 campaign we took a pillow to a sword fight largely because the Yes campaign pandered so completely to those who are ever content to settle for defeat with honour in preference to the responsibilities of success..

In the new campaign we must go in at least as hard against the Union as Better Together / Project Fear previously did against independence. At minimum, that means avoiding the fatal mistake of letting the constitutional issue be obscured by a fog of policy options. At best it will mean relegating the interminable, circumlocutious, jargon-heavy policy debates so beloved of cappuccino-sipping righteous radicals to the background music of a campaign that focuses first, foremost and always on the actual and only issue that will be decided by the referendum.

It is obvious idiocy to give the debate about being independent precedence over the now extremely urgent task of becoming independent. Our immediate and overriding priority is to #DissolveTheUnion. Until that is done, all the rest is just wind and pish.

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5 thoughts on “Feather or fist?

  1. “…Some of us remember how that obsession with happy-clappy, hug-a-BritNat ‘positive’ campaigning turned out…”

    “…In the 2014 campaign we took a pillow to a sword fight largely because the Yes campaign pandered so completely to those who are ever content to settle for defeat with honour in preference to the responsibilities of success…”

    How true…and yet, we were told immediately in the aftermath that we had behaved viciously and with malice. Nothing could have been further from the truth or could have been more aptly applied to the British Nationalists. Yes, being kind and being decent and holding out the hand of friendship and turning the other cheek works well if both sides are of like mind. We saw, in 2014, that we were naive wee lambs tethered to a stake awaiting the arrival of the tiger. The tiger used its claws; it used its teeth; it used its greater bulk and muscle to tear us limb from limb. If we do this to ourselves again, I, for one, will never forgive the independence movement/SNP because they will have sealed the fate of our grandchildren to being unable to wrest themselves from this Union without bloodshed. That is what the bottom line is, because another opportunity like this, to use the fist in pursuit of the most peaceful means to achieve independence, will never come again. That might seem to be a contradiction in terms, but we simply cannot run a douce referendum campaign and expect to win. I keep pointing out that no independence party/movement has won a pre independence referendum in recent years for the very reason that they cancelled out their right to self-determination by allowing the reactionaries a veto, handing them the referendum on a plate. The Quebec nationalists thought they had a lead in the polls; they, too, thought that they had persuaded enough previous NOs to turn to YES; and they still lost – by a fraction, but a fraction is all it takes when the reactionaries have a veto courtesy of the people they are trying to constrain.


  2. An inconvenient truth or two there. Censored, eh? Ah, but the truth can hurt. Especially to the studiously self-regarding.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is not 2014.. This is a whole new issue and a new level of threat to Scotland.
    Anyone who wants to re-run 2014 is doomed – and is best avoided.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NOT 2014.
      – There is no more status quo.
      – The pretence of a UK union has fallen for all to see and what is revealed is a wounded empire. Sadly, it looks like they plan to inflict any level of damage and brutality to any group so as not to have to face the realities of the end of empire.

      The UK only worked in particular circumstances….it doesn’t work when England becomes the North Korea of Europe. Scotland has to ask itself what is the purpose of being trapped as a silent member inside a state on the outer and at the mercy of global giants.

      If you think Thatcher was brutal to Scotland…buckle up.

      Liked by 1 person

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