
The hope to which I cling despite all Humza Yousaf's efforts to discourage me is that the Yes movement might unite sufficiently to be a force the SNP leadership cannot disregard. Despite having no reason to do so, I continue to hope that influential people within the SNP will join this effort to get the SNP back to being the 'party of independence'.

The unused power of hindsight

Richard Walker suggests an alternative to GERS is needed in order to 'make the case' for independence. In fact, an alternative to GERS is useful only if you want an endless, pointless, fruitless debate about economics. If you are focused on the constitutional issue, however, it could only be a debilitating distraction. Go ahead! Produce … Continue reading The unused power of hindsight

Feet of clay

Richard Walker is deservedly respected as a journalist and as one of the leading figures responsible for the launch of The National and Sunday National. I know a lot of people find fault with these newspapers. But whatever their flaws, they provide a mainstream media platform for Scotland's cause. The value of this is inestimable. … Continue reading Feet of clay

Double the thinking! Half the sense!

In common with innumerable other commentators, Richard Walker portrays the British government as having no respect for democracy. He is, of course, perfectly justified in doing so. The catalogue of reasons for stating that the British government has no regard for democratic principles and that the latest iteration of British Nationalism is overtly anti-democratic, need … Continue reading Double the thinking! Half the sense!

Blurring the picture

Again! The 'recruiting sergeant' myth trotted out with casual disregard for the facts. There is no measurable recruiting sergeant effect. We have gone through a period since the 2014 referendum when those supposed recruiting sergeants for Scotland's cause have been working very hard indeed. Quite remarkably hard, in fact. And what has been the product … Continue reading Blurring the picture

Dissenting voices and cloth ears

I like to think of myself as one of the 'Yes bloggers' hated with such spittle-flecked fervour by the likes of Pete Wishart. I reckon I can fairly claim to be a dissenting voice within Scotland's independence movement. I would never presume to be representative of all dissent within the Yes movement. I speak only … Continue reading Dissenting voices and cloth ears